Source code for parrot

from mpython import i2c
from micropython import const
import time

__VERSION__ = '2.1'

MOTOR_1 = const(0x01)

MOTOR_2 = const(0x02)

_speed_buf = {}

[docs]def set_speed(motor_no, speed): """ 设置电机速度 :param int motor_no: 控制电机编号,可以使用 ``MOTOR_1``, ``MOTOR_2`` ,或者直接写入电机编号。 :param int speed: 电机速度,范围-100~100,负值代表反转。 """ global _speed_buf speed = max(min(speed, 100), -100) _speed_buf.update({motor_no: speed}) attempts = 0 while True: try: i2c.writeto(0x10, bytearray([motor_no, speed])) except Exception as e: attempts = attempts + 1 time.sleep_ms(500) if attempts > 2: break else: break
[docs]def get_speed(motor_no): """ 返回电机速度 :param int motor_no: 控制电机编号,可以使用 ``MOTOR_1``, ``MOTOR_2``,或者直接写入电机编号。 :rtype: int :return: 返回该电机速度 """ global _speed_buf if motor_no in _speed_buf: return _speed_buf[motor_no] else: return None
[docs]def led_on(no, brightness=50): """ 打开灯。电机接口,除了可以驱动电机,还能做灯的控制。 :param int no: 控制电机编号,可以使用 ``MOTOR_1``, ``MOTOR_2``,或者直接写入电机编号。 :param int brightness: 设置亮度,范围0~100 """ brightness = max(min(brightness, 100), 0) attempts = 0 while True: try: i2c.writeto(0x10, bytearray([no, brightness])) except Exception as e: attempts = attempts + 1 time.sleep_ms(500) if attempts > 2: break else: break
[docs]def led_off(no): """ 关闭灯。 :param int no: 控制电机编号,可以使用 ``MOTOR_1``, ``MOTOR_2``,或者直接写入电机编号。 """ attempts = 0 while True: try: i2c.writeto(0x10, bytearray([no, 0])) except Exception as e: attempts = attempts + 1 time.sleep_ms(500) if attempts > 2: break else: break
[docs]def get_battery_level(): """ 获取拓展板的电压值。 :return: 返回电量,单位mV。 """ i2c.writeto(16, b'\x03') tmp = i2c.readfrom(16, 2) return struct.unpack('H', tmp)[0]
import struct
[docs]class IR_encode(object): """ 红外编码类 """
[docs] def encode_raw(self, carry_freq, len, repeat_pos, code, data): """ 制作任意编码。 :param int carry_freq: 载波频率,单位hz。 :param int len: 加上循环码后的单次发码的code总数 :param int repeat_pos: 循环码位置 :param int code: code列表,16个成员,记录8组不同的高低电平波形 :param char data: 编码波形数据,最长64字节 :return: 返回编码后的红外脉冲数据buff """ period = 1000000//carry_freq # us buff = struct.pack('>H2B', period*16, len, repeat_pos) # carry, len, repeat_pos i = 0 _code = [0]*16 while i < 8: _code[i] = code[i]//period _code[i+1] = code[i+1]//16 i += 2 # print(_code) for i in _code: buff += struct.pack('>H', i) for i in data: buff += struct.pack('B', i) return buff
[docs] def encode_nec(self, user_code, command_code): """ NEC编码。 :param int user_code: 用户码 :param int command_code: 命令码 :return: 返回编码后的红外脉冲数据buff """ buff = struct.pack('>H2B', 416, 36, 34) # carry, len, repeat_pos # head logic_1 logic_0 stop repeat0 repeat1 nec_code = [346, 281, 22, 106, 22, 35, 22, 2437, 346, 140, 22, 6012, 0, 0, 0, 0] nec_key = [0]*36 nec_key[0] = 0 # lead code for i in range(0, 8): # 把用户码转为code编号 if (user_code >> i) & 0x01: nec_key[i+1] = 1 nec_key[i+1+8] = 2 else: nec_key[i+1] = 2 nec_key[i+1+8] = 1 if (command_code >> i) & 0x01: nec_key[i+1+16] = 1 nec_key[i+1+24] = 2 else: nec_key[i+1+16] = 2 nec_key[i+1+24] = 1 nec_key[33] = 3 nec_key[34] = 4 nec_key[35] = 5 # print(nec_key) # 计算stop bit低电平时间 stopbit_low_time = 108000 - (9000 + 4500 + 2250*16 + 1120*16 + 560) # 因为补码的原因,bit0 bit1数量各占16bit nec_code[7] = stopbit_low_time//16 # print(nec_code) for i in nec_code: buff += struct.pack('>H', i) for i in nec_key: buff += struct.pack('B', i) # print(buff) return buff
[docs]class IR(object): """ 红外收发管的抽象类,用于红外发射和学习。 """
[docs] def send(self, buff, repeat_en=0): """ 发送红外脉冲数据buff :param bytes buff: 可以是 ``IR_encode.encode_nec`` 返回的buff。或,学习后的buff。 :param init repeat_en: 重复码。用于表示按键常按。当repeat_en为1时,会不断发送重复码,直至 ``stop_send`` 停止发送。 """ tmp = bytearray([0x04, repeat_en]) tmp += buff # print(tmp) i2c.writeto(16, tmp)
# self.check_buff(tmp)
[docs] def stop_send(self): """ 停止发送,当发送重复码后,使用该函数来停止发送。 """ i2c.writeto(16, b'\x05')
[docs] def learn(self, wait=True): """ 红外学习。默认下wait为True,此时为阻塞函数。learn()开始后,须在5秒内,常按住被学习对象按键。当学习完成后,会返回学习结果,成功True,失败Fail。wait 为 False,则为非阻塞,此时不返回结果。 :param bool wait: 是否阻塞。 :return: bool类型,返回结果 """ i2c.writeto(16, b'\x06') print("Start Learning: the learning object should hold down the button within 5 seconds.") if wait: time.sleep(5) if self.__get_learn_status() != 0: # error return False else: return True
[docs] def get_learn_data(self): """ 返回学习后的,红外编码数据。该函数须在 ``learn`` 函数后使用。 :return: 返回编码后的红外脉冲数据buff """ i2c.writeto(16, b'\x07') return i2c.readfrom(16, 118)
def __get_learn_status(self): i2c.writeto(16, b'\x08') return i2c.readfrom(16, 1)[0]